Putting a Face on Freight
We are all part of the freight family
FuturePorts is launching an education campaign to tell the story of Southern California’s supply chain heroes. From Ports to people, our goods movement network carries cargo that keeps our nation strong. More than getting things from ship to shelf, the movement of goods through our region carries with it the hopes and dreams of small business owners, the livelihoods of frontline workers charged with keeping commerce flowing, and the building blocks of a mighty economic engine.
Faces of Freight is a targeted social media campaign that will provide true life stories of real workers, families, and businesses who are part of the freight family. Over the course of 6 months we will showcase three types of ads in 36 vignettes:
Faces of Freight stories will focus on supply chain workers across a spectrum of professions and functional areas.
Freight Facts will tell the story of cargo as it moves through the supply chain through relatable, fact-based snippets.
Freight Family will showcase the businesses and families that rely on or support the supply chain in both familiar and unexpected ways.
Every two weeks an ad of each type will be promoted across social media channels to targeted audiences. A total of 36 vignettes throughout the campaign will help illuminate the myriad ways freight touches our lives and those of our family, friends, and neighbors.
“My work makes a direct impact on my family’s life by continuously doing our part to improve Southern Californian air quality” – Teresa, Marine Environmental Supervisor for the Port of Los Angeles’ Air Group. Working at Port of Los Angeles since she was 19, Teresa now manages the Clean Action Plan with community partners, which establishes strategies for reducing port-related air pollution. With the goal to be emission free by 2030, Teresa and her team at The Port of Los Angeles successfully became the world’s first port to have a Zero-Emission Top Handler.
Meet Tumbellina, owner of Tumbeler Cookies!
Tumbellina relies on SoCal’s sustainable supply chain to source her famous refillable cookie jars. Thanks to our freight network, Tumbeler Cookies is able to deliver yummy cookie goodness right to their clients' doors! Tumbellina is just one of many small business owners who are part of our freight family.
The campaign will target
young people seeking opportunities for good-paying jobs
voters residing nearby the four Southern California ports and key supply chain facilities such as warehouses, logistics hubs, airports, and critical freight corridors
Key decision-makers such as regulators and law makers who mistakenly believe that “freight doesn’t vote”
The Call to Action: Join the Friends of Freight
The campaign will place promoted posts across social media channels including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Other channels may include LinkedIn and Tick Tock as warranted. We will be focusing on building grass roots awareness of freight issues, and activating an engaged group of interested stakeholders who sign up to stay informed about important public discussions around topics related to the supply chain.
Faces of Freight launches June 11, 2021 with the first of 36 ads. Featuring the Port of Long Beach, the first Freight Fact ad focuses on the jobs supported by Ports. Two more ads featuring the Port of Los Angeles are coming soon! Below are samples of other assets that could feature your staff or stakeholders. To make sure you never miss a new release, be sure to follow FuturePorts on social media by clicking the links below. Use hashtags #freightfamily #facesoffreight #freightfacts and #putafaceonfreight when posting about the campaign.