recent EVENTS
FuturePorts inducted its 2025 officers and board members at the Long Beach Yacht Club.
Thank you to Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners President, Bonnie Lowenthal, and Commissioner, Sharon Weissman, for swearing in our board members and sharing an update on the happenings at the Port of Long Beach.
The FuturePorts Officers and Board of Directors are looking forward to celebrating the FuturePorts 20th Anniversary this year with its members.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
FuturePorts is laser-focused on advocating for policy, regulations, and legislation that supports the competitiveness of our ports. We accomplish this through the preparation of white papers, coalition-building, regular meetings with regulators and legislators and key agency and legislative staff, speaking at hearings, submitting comment letters and taking positions on legislation and new regulations during rule-making, and representing our members on working groups and committees tasked with addressing port-related issues. We keep the emphasis on economic growth and job protection/creation while also demanding strong environmental protections from port capacity-building efforts .

2025 Board of Directors
FuturePorts is led by a dynamic Board of Directors who are passionate about the mission of our organization. Officers serve one-year terms and are selected by the Board after showing consistent engagement and dedication to FuturePorts.
2025 Committees
Our committees play an important role in the advocacy work of FuturePorts. To serve on a committee you must be a member in good standing and be able to attend monthly committee meetings.
Legislative, Policy, EIR & Regulatory Review Committee
Lakshmi Jayaram, Ramboll - CHAIR
Doug Thiessen, HDR - CO-CHAIR
Brian Bustamante, Southern California Edison, CO-CHAIR
Membership & Marketing Committee
Matthew Means, Watson Land Co. - CHAIR
EVENTs & Communications Committee
Mike Bush - CHAIR
Competitiveness & Workforce development COMMITTEE
Kat Janowicz, 3COTECH, Inc. - CHAIR
We welcome new ideas and energy. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors or serving on a committee please contact Executive Director, Andrea Casillas.

FuturePorts counts the most influential business leaders in Southern California goods movement among our members. Membership is open to individuals and corporate entities interested in supporting our work . Benefits of membership include access to FuturePorts industry reports and white papers; alerts and newsflashes to keep you current on the latest goods movement related regulations , policies, and legislation; invitations to members-only meetings and events; opportunities to serve on a FuturePorts committee; discounted attendance at our annual conference and more.